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Breaking Down Barriers for Deafblind People

Carleeta is sharing her knowledge and experience to Deafblind people and the greater business community.

Carleetain a field kneeling next to lavender

Introducing Carleeta

Carleeta is a deafblind woman. She is totally deaf and blind because of Usher’s Syndrome.

Despite this, Carleeta lives on her own, running her own home and is a proud gardener and cook, with many of her meals prepared from fruit and vegetables that she has grown. Carleeta loves travel and adventure.

Careleeta is keen to share her knowledge and passion with others while educating and inspiring.

Carleeta on a suspension bridge infront of mountains

"I love to share my story with others to inspire them and to demonstrate my leadership skills."

How Carleeta Can Help You

Deafblind Training

Carleeta can provide training to people in the deafblind community by sharing her knowledge and expertise.


Training is in the areas of:

  • the use of assistive technology (including reading Braille)

  • a range of smart applications (including specific uses of a mobile phone)

Consulting with Business

Carleeta can provide consultancy services to organisations who wish to understand the needs of the deafblind community and tactile learning and communication.  


Her motivational speaking via an interpreter demonstrate how being completely deaf/blind does not limit a person from living life to the fullest.


Carleeta is totally deaf and blind because of Usher’s Syndrome. Ushers Syndrome is a rare genetic condition leading to various degrees of deafness and blindness. Usher’s Type 1 is the most severe and can lead to total loss of the ability to see and hear. Growing up with minimal sight and hearing, Carleeta now is totally deaf and blind. She is also unable to speak.

Carleeta communicates using Auslan hand over hand signing (tactile signing). She is competent in Braille, enabling her to be connected to information, to transactions involved in everyday living and to a social network. She utilises Braille to Text using emails and SMS to converse with others.

Carleeta is passionate about the needs of deaf and blind people and has attended Conferences both in Australia overseas. In 2018 she presented at the Helen Keller Conference in Spain.

At different times Carleeta has held executive positions on different Deafblind organisations wherein she assists in raising awareness of deafblindness and the challenges this presents through meeting with local and federal MPS etc. sharing her experiences and describing the struggle of the Deafblind community.

Carleeta touching hands with her support person


"Carleeta is a valued member of the deafblind community with extensive experience in self advocacy, systemic advocacy, raising awareness of deafblindness and promoting the abilities of deafblind people. She brings a wealth of knowledge and lived experience when supporting people to understand more about living with deafblindness and also in supporting deafblind people to develop their skills.

Justine Lorenz - Community Disability Alliance Hunter

"Whilst Carleeta lives in both a world of darkness and no sound, she sees life full of opportunities. She lives in her own home, growing her own vegetables. cooking delicious foods, she is active in the community assisting other people who are Deaf and Blind; she is an avid traveller, both in Australia and overseas. Carleeta has a wonderful way of demonstrating to others that there is so much to explore in life beyond sight and sound; she captures the spirit of being Deaf and Blind as she shares her sense of adventure and exploration with her incredible determination and inspiration. "

Sue Werner - Community Connections Australia

Carleeta has the support of Community Connections Australia

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